Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
(Post from Fathers Day on my former blog )
Happy Fathers Day :)
I don't speak to my father. Please, before judging me, be aware that I definitely have my reasons. And I definitely wish that it wasn't this way. It is not a simple, black and white, cut and dry issue either, and I couldn't begin to make anyone understand in one post. It is a complex situation stemming back to my childhood. He is a complex person (aren't we all?) with many great qualities, and I do understand that he contributed to my life, and in some ways, to who I am. He raised my brother and sister and me after my mother gave us to him as they were divorcing, when I was 5 years old-(I also don't communicate with her either.......another post another day.....) until I left home at age 16. I could list many good and horrible things that he has done to me and to others, but I won't today. Just know that if it were as simple as forgiving him for the past and starting "anew", then I wouldn't be writing this. I believe in God. I believe in forgiveness. I want my creator to forgive me for my wrong-doings in life. I do forgive my father. I wish only positive things for him. But, what it really comes down to is this; it is harmful to me as a person to allow him into my life. I've truly tried throughout my adulthood and it can never work out. I am a happier person without him in my life. I actually had to face the fact that he could and most likely will die without me "making up" with him. Of course inside I have struggled with guilt from the fact that he is my Father, (Honor thy Father) but I also know in my spirit that it is not right for me to open myself up to more bullshit. Even the burden of guilt - knowing he is lonely and growing older - doesn't outweigh the relief from the burden of dealing with him in my life. I also do feel sad that I don't have a Father OR a Mother in my life. To be honest, I think I have the deepest need for a Mother more than anything... Anyway, this post only scratches the surface, but it's enough for today. And in general I don't dwell in sadness or misery over this. I am grateful for the many blessings in my life. :)
The purpose of this is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in the comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
My Birthday was this week. :)
I had THE BEST DAY!!!!!! Rickey surprised me by arranging for my cousin and her husband to have dinner with us. Other than him and my children, I have almost no family( I need to do a post on it), and it meant a lot to me that he did that for me. He got me a Pink RAZR phone! :) I've been wanting it for a while.
My two boys gave me really sweet gifts also....the best in the world. A letter from Dylan telling me what kind of mom I am to him and how much he loves me...(causing deep ache in throat and fighting tears) and Jason gave me a Teddy Bear and a wooden figure of a mother and two sons- holding one in her lap and hugging the other at the same time. They were all faceless and it looked like me holding them when they were smaller. *bawl* awwww
Here is the link
Monday, February 20, 2006
I came across this picture online. At first I thought it was a couch, but now, noticing the purses, I think it must be a display at a store. Thought it was interesting to say the least! lol
The sectional we got last week is here now, and I'm having second thoughts. I have a large living room, but it still seems to swallow it up. Rickey doesn't think so. I am the type to like a couch and a chair or two (doesn't have to be an exact match of the couch, just compliment it), but with this sectional, it eliminates the need-or the room- for anything else to sit on, so it is bugging me that there is just one big thing to sit on. One color. I have a few days to return it if I decide to. Of course this past weekend I saw several sofas that seemed so much better..... ;) You know that feeling of excitement and satisfaction that you get when something just "fits" perfectly? And you know you got just the right thing? I want that feeling.
I am so sick of the "word verification" password, I have decided to remove it. I'll only put it back if the spam gets out of control. We'll see.
Friday, February 17, 2006
There has been tons of speculation in the media and all over the web whether or not this couple is "for real". There's been talk that it is nothing more than a contract, something that goes on frequently, and has been arranged in Hollywood for years for many different reasons. Scientology is supposedly heavily involved, the merger is beneficial to her career and serving to protect his image, that for years has been plagued by rumors of him being secretly gay. Supposedly, ticket sales were starting to wane on his last few movies. Anyway, I have always thoroughly liked and admired both of them, so there is no agenda on my part- but, I have to agree that something doesn't add up.
I have wondered at times whether or not she was really pregnant, due to different pictures looking strange. This is one of them to me. After rumors increased about a possible fake pregnancy, I saw one recently that showed a peak of the side of her actual stomach, so I begin to believe she really was pregnant. In this new picture though, it looks like she's wearing one of those fake pregnant suits. I'm know I'm probably way off base here-especially about the pregnancy. Many people are mainly suspicious of the authenticity of their relationship. Oprah said she was "shocked" at his strange and outrageous behavior on her show, saying"You are gone" The mainstream viewpoint being that his actions seemed contrived and exaggerated to prove the extremity of his feelings. There are other aspects, which contribute to my opinion that something is off here. The timeline of her relationship/5 year engagement to Chris Klein ending and within a few weeks was reported to be in a serious relationship with Tom. Tom has always been a private person with his personal life, but since they've been together, they are constantly out smiling for the cameras, including kissing for the paparrazi as though on a campaign trail for their relationship. You typically don't see couples doing that. It was widely reported that Katie was a loudly proclaimed virgin at age 26/27, saving herself for marriage, but has still not married him. There have also been numerous reports of odd and increasingly eccentric behavior by Tom. Anyway, whatever the story, if there is something shady, we'll never know the truth. Maybe it is an alien baby or the reincarnation of L Ron hubbard. ;)
pictures from and
Thursday, February 16, 2006
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1. Stephaine (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the this is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. It is spreading in Blogland. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
We have been shopping for a new sofa. Finally got this one to the left at Haverty's. It is a sectional, something I said I'd never get. I've always felt like "The 80's called....they want their couch back." Or, "Why don't we just run to rent-a-center and get one with cup holders!" No way.... But lately I've been in more of a contemporary mood than traditional. Change is good. I was surprised at all the different designs of them today. Anyway though, after going to ten+ different places, including Rooms To Go, which in my opinion has some really nice looking but cheap quality furniture (I LOVE alot of the accessories there), we finally chose between these two couches. They were about the same price. I really liked both of them equally- if anything, maybe the circular one more, but we got the other one because we would have also had to buy a new coffee table... also the circular one didn't include that extra section on the left side....$458.00 more. We don't like the accent pillows that came with the one we chose, but that will be easy to replace. It is more rounded than the picture shows. It looks better in person. I'll take a picture when it gets here.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
I have no idea what to post about and have felt that way for several days. I love the way Stephaine comes up with absolutely any topic and makes it so completely interesting to read.
One of my favorites-so funny- is a post she did on January 2nd . I couldn't figure out how to link to that specific post so scroll down. Or sit back and read it's all good. :)
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Sunday, February 05, 2006
:) In honor of Super Bowl Sunday, I thought I'd put in another post from my old blog.
I went to the movies tonight. The kids are at their Dad's. Rickey wanted to stay home and watch a Nascar race. I have tried and absolutely have no interest in it. He watches it EVERY time there is one. He loves sports. Mainly football and the racing. It has been an ongoing issue in our relationship. It's hard to give these details without giving a lot of back-history, because it goes beyond him having an interest in it- and us just not sharing that in common. We argued today, because-well- my point to him-the metaphorical analogy that I used, was that for the five years we have been together, as we "walk in the garden" together... when he stops and smells the flowers that he admires, he takes for granted that I am there with him, supporting him, almost always patiently waiting for him to finish, even if I don't like the flowers he is looking at. When I see flowers that I want to stop at, somehow they are never deemed as important as his, and I allow him to lead me away from them, or am almost always rushed, or left to look at them alone, while he goes on ahead looking for more flowers for himself. He took it to mean I wanted him to miss the race. Anyway, the give and take was unfair. One of my weaknesses, is that I am not as independent as I should be. I do not like to venture off by myself. I want us to walk through the garden together. I want him to take an interest in my interests sometimes & be there for me as I have for him. Although in one sense I feel with all my heart that this is the way it should be in a great relationship, I tend to allow myself to become too dependent on him and the way he is treating me, for my happiness. Anyway, I decided in the name of self growth-to finally go somewhere by myself-to force myself to go alone, knowing I should not be so dependent on him emotionally. This is definitely not as easy to do as it should be for me. Wow, this is personal and I know I'm exposing myself -uggggghh. Anyway, I left and went to see War of the Worlds. Guess who showed up 20 minutes into the movie and came and sat down by me? He was recording the race. Then, he was blessed for his giving to me. As we were on the way home, he heard on the radio that the race was delayed due to rain, and was just beginning. At 10:30 at night. :) Anyway, as I sit here typing all of this, he is happily over there enjoying his flowers. And I'm nearby discovering and focusing on my own........ :)
Something weird has been happening with blogger comments. The other day on the post below this one, it said 1 comment, but when I looked, there was nothing there. I then left a comment and it still said just 1. Now it says no comments. Also on the post below that one, it says 5 comments, but there are only 4 when you look.
If you left me a comment in the last couple of days, please leave it again because I never got to read it. :( (yes, comments make me
Also, yesterday I couldn't go to my blog at all. I could go to all other blogs. I kept getting a "page cannot be displayed" and an error message:
error 403
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You can click Search to look for information on the Internet.
HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden Internet Explorer
I emailed blogger and did a google search on http error 403 . There was alot of info about it, but nothing helped. I haven't gotten a response yet from blogger, but it is working again today.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
My Job From Home
When my children were born, I couldn't bear to miss any time with them. I made the choice not to go out to work. It definitely caused us to struggle financially. After years of looking for something legitimate, I finally found a REAL work from home opportunity, which allowed me to still be with them. I have done this job for over seven years. I supervise a crew of 20 people (who also work from home) that are soliciting/scheduling household donations for a charity. They call lists that I mail out to them every week. It is part of my job to report their progress throughout the week, via the internet, to the main office -(which is an actual office building-not someone's home) and also to motivate them to do well (trust me that isn't easy) and to re-assign any lists that for whatever reason aren't being called. Re-assigning isn't always easy, because I must re-issue within the group that I manage-which means asking some people to call extra lists. You would be amazed with twenty people the issues that can come up.... Or the complaints I have to deal with, regarding the lists that they are calling. I have definitely had to develop "people skills" in order to maintain my crew-----the goal is to keep it as productive and stable as possible. The office doesn't like turnover, so you have to do your best to work with difficult personalities, from one extreme to the other, and just try to encourage everyone to work effectively and consistently. It is sometimes difficult to maintain an effective balance- when I know someone isn't putting forth the necessary effort into their work-for whatever reason-achieving what I know the company wants them to produce, and not offend or over-push at the same time. I have found when people slack off, they are even more defensive of you insulting their integrity. There are plenty of other responsibilities that are involved with my job.... some boring and repetitive, mainly telephone and computer stuff, but I am grateful to have it. It's only a few hours per day.
I've also mentioned on here that Rickey and I are starting a drywall contracting business. I believe this will be a financially successful endeavor. We are excited. :)