Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I have been tagged to do a meme by Charles. Click his name to see his answers, as well.

1. Grab the nearest book. If you are currently reading something, that'll be fine too. The Element Encyclopedia Of 20,000 Dreams
Open the book to page 123. ok
3. Find the fifth sentence. ok
4. Post the text of the next 4 sentences on your Blog along with these instructions. 'If a building is under construction or being demolished, this refers to your own ability to constuct and destroy your life. If the bulding is familiar, the reference may be to the actual building itself; for example, if you dream of a structural fault, you might want to get the design checked out. If the building you are exploring in your dream is a public building such as a factory, law court, prison and department store, the building often represents the function suggested by its nature, such as work, education and healing. Bear in mind, though, that if these images appear in your dreams, they will also have personal connections and feelings associated with those buildings.'
Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet I know that is what you were thinking! I didn't...it was actually the second book , though, because the other one; 6 Minute Morning Stretching didn't have enough pages. :)
6. Tag 5 people. I don't even have 5 blog people to tag :( Everyone has abandoned their blogs. I will have to focus on making some more blogger friends....

Monday, June 09, 2008

Link of the Day

Okay, I know for a fact that there are still a few random and regular visitors stopping by this blog. And I know this only because of my informative little sitemeter thingy. It mainly notifies me that I am, by far, the most frequent visitor of all. :) Why do I still stop by even though I'm not updating...who knows...

My extreme lack of posting has definitely effected the visitor count, but nonetheless, I want to let everyone know about SupernaturalBlond, a new celebrity gossip (and more) blog. Lennox Miller, an actress and model (she has appeared in Maxim and FHM and national ad campaigns) is the creator/writer of this blog and she not only keeps you in the know by posting the stuff you want to hear about, she also keeps it visually entertaining for guys with a lot of "candy" for the eyes.

In addition to acting and modeling, she is a Communication Specialist at CDC and has an MPH degree. She recently made a career-changing decision to go into Marketing and is back in school for her MBA. She's also an extreme girlie-girl; addicted to Sephora and beauty products in general. The site is still in development and will include celebrity gossip, beauty tips & advice, and much more.

Check it out HERE

Saturday, June 07, 2008

This is just an update to update.