I don't want to say this too loud, so.....
here's the thing. A few months ago, I got so tired of putting in the freakin' passwords for the word verification thing, that I decided I would rather delete any annoying fake comments and went into the settings and turned it off. BUT! The amazing thing is that I haven't had one spam comment since I did it. So just a hint to those of you who have this setting turned on: If you turn it off, it would save everyone the trouble of having to type jjlmxxopqwsrjl every time they comment. And you won't get bombarded like you think you will. Anyway, Jason is graduating this weekend. :)
School lets out this Friday. I'm glad. I love Summer. :)
This is the last bit of time Jason will live at home. :(
I quit my job last week and I'm becoming more and more excited. :) :) :)
It took a few days before reality could set in, I kept feeling like I was supposed to be at my desk.
I love the free time. I might be able to blog again...
I had a pretty good Mother's Day except for the e-card I got from Jason. If you think it is just the thought that counts (like I do), then you will understand my feelings at the fact that he must've thought for about a half a minute. After being offended, I tried to defend him and justify it to myself, by saying that he's just a kid (18) and that I never instilled in him to give
me stuff, but as Rickey pointed out, there is Jason's intensely thoughtful consideration, the time and financial effort that he puts into his girlfriend on special occasions.....He's more than capable of showing loved ones how much he cares, so I think I have a right to expect something more....which I told him. I think I'm affected more strongly by the fact that, as I stated above---this is the last one that he will be living at home for. Our family structure is dramatically changing forever. This is a major milestone/time in his and my life and I guess I'm upset that he doesn't see it that way...and isn't more sentimental.
Beyond that, though, I'm extremely proud of all the great things he is inside. He has many many great qualities.....
My other one, Dylan, made me something very sweet and very touching. :)
Anyway, I never intended to blog about that. I always fear judgment or exposing too much on here.
As I read over what I just wrote, I just realized that I've come very close to posting about empty nest syndrome, something I swore I wouldn't do. LOL