Rant Of the Day
It irritates me so much when people forward e-mails to you like, "Pass this on immediately to at least __ (# of) people, or horrible luck will befall on you." I sent out a mass e-mail to certain people at the beginning of this year, saying "Happy New Year 2007. Let this year be the year you no longer forward those types of e-mail."
It irritates me so much when people forward e-mails to you like, "Pass this on immediately to at least __ (# of) people, or horrible luck will befall on you." I sent out a mass e-mail to certain people at the beginning of this year, saying "Happy New Year 2007. Let this year be the year you no longer forward those types of e-mail."
It worked because I've gotten almost none this year. However, today I got one that said "look carefully at the picture." It was of the Virgin Mary. Innocent enough. I like getting some forwarded e-mails with funny stuff or touching stories or pictures so I didn't think anything at first. Then, below the picture was, "So and so thought this was junk e-mail and deleted it. His child died 8 days later. Pass this on to at least 13 people or..."
That really pisses me off. First of all, no, I don't truly believe it, but if I DID, then I am now obligated to spread negativity on to others to save my own ass. I am occasionally superstitious, and this type of e-mail always leaves me slightly cringing/unsettled. Anyway, I replied to the person asking them specifically to never send me these types anymore. We'll see what kind of response I get.
here, here!!!!!
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