Thirteen Things about Shari
13 Embarrassing Moments
1. When I walked up the street to my boyfriend's house when I was in the 7th grade and discovered he wasn't home. I had on a pair of white shorts and when I returned home I realized they were white...and red. Still relieved he wasn't there. :)
2. Jason, when he was two years old said loudly in a small store, "Mommyyyy! I have a boooooger! On my fiiiinger, Mommyyyy! Get it off!" cringe
3. Dylan, when he was two years old (potty training stage) at Jason's baseball practice, pulled his pants down and before I could react he proceeded to streak (doing a toddler prance) across the infield in front of everyone on his way to go pee. Which he did... just as I caught up to him. And of course I couldn't interrupt the I just had to just stand there while he finished.
4. I moonwalked into a lady at Foot Locker at the mall the other day. Yes I did. I was showing Dylan I could do it. I'm still mad that he didn't warn me earlier...waited until it was too late. She was cool. She laughed & said "Doing the Michael Jackson, huh?" :)
5. Any moment in my life where I have looked in the mirror after being somewhere and noticed a spec of something in my hair, on my face, or on my teeth.
6. Vigorously (pompously) arguing a point with Rickey and realizing in the middle of talking that I am wrong. Verrrrry rare, but it has happened. Ha! ;)
7. Commenting on someone's (Eileen :)) Myspace page and wishing them a Happy Monday on Sunday night so they would have it for first thing Monday....and then the next day realizing that this was Sunday.
8. When I notice a typo after I post or email someone.
9. At Home Depot one time as Rickey and I were bickering with each other, we rounded the corner and bumped into a classmate of Dylan's and his parents.
10. Being lectured and receiving an education a couple of years ago from the dental hygienist on how to take proper care of my teeth and gums. Which of course I already knew, but had totally slacked on the flossing. Never ever again. I am totally perfect now and forever!
11. Any occasion at the gynocologist. Last year my female doctor goes, "Don't be shy no! You're at the Gyno!"
12. Losing the upper hand at different times with rude people in customer service. Usually when I think back I see ways I could have handled it better.
13. Recently at Target I asked the guy behind the counter for a medium cup for ice water. He starts to hand me a small complimentary cup and I politely repeat, "No, I'd like that cup." pointing to the medium." He says, "There will be a charge for larger cups." I say, "No problem, that's fine." (this has happened there before-most of the time they give it to me free, but sometimes they say what he did and then charge me 11 cents.) He rings it up and says, "$1.26." I'm like, "Whaaaaat?" "No, that's incorrect. I've never been charged that before." He held firm. I said, "I usually get it for free and sometimes I've been charged, but only like eleven cents." He still held firm, saying "Well, WHO let you? Because we don't do that." "EVERYONE." I say. I'm pissed by now. He was not gonna bend. "Let me see the manager!" At which point I realized I was wasting way too much energy on the BS. Before the manager arrived another employee walked over and gave me a medium sized cup. argh.
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