Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous"

Always see it on t.v.
Or read it in the magazines
Celebrities who want sympathy
All they do is piss and moan
Inside the rolling stone
Talkin' about how hard life can be...

-Good Charlotte lyrics

Today I saw a clip on TMZ of Brad Pitt coming out of his production studio, Plan B. The paparazzi were in full force, cameras flashing. He looked irritated and was saying, "You guys are unbelievable. Unbelievable." Then he proceeded to snap pictures of them snapping pictures of him.
I'm not saying that there aren't some overzealous paparazzi out there that overstep appropriate boundaries at times. I'm not writing about that, though. What I want to focus on is the fact that many of those actors who court the attention of the paparazzi on their way up the ladder of success, eventually become conceited and disgusted at the attention that they NOW only want on their terms. I do not feel sorry for them at all.
Let me see, Brad, on the pro side of fame and fortune; you travel the world, you have the adoration of millions of people, you receive many ceremonial accolades and admiration and mega $$$$$$$$$$$ for the acting work you do. You stay in the absolute BEST hotels, vacation in elite places that most people couldn't even fathom the luxury thereof, you eat at the finest restaurants, live in multi-million $ mansions, wear the crème de la crème of designer clothes, you fly your own plane, and drive the most expensive and exotic motorcycles and automobiles on the planet. Your work enables you to experience life from a vantage point people such as me can only dream of. You have the rare ability to physically step into acting roles (that by now you hand-pick) and experience up close and personal, many aspects of life where you get to acquire new skills, be a part of different cultures around the globe and obtain a real, yet rare observational sense of world history.
You have chosen to be in the public eye and have definitely reaped its benefits. Plenty of which I didn't even get into.

On the con side of fame, now your privacy is invaded by flashing cameras at inconvenient times. (inconvenient times are usually those when you aren't promoting your latest project or receiving an award)



Blogger E. Rivera said...

This is an interesting topic and one that I think about a lot (and the timing is perfect, considering my latest post). Although I agree that it seems as though many celebrities have no perspective of how good they have it and wish the paparazzi would get out of their face when it's convenient for them, it's hard for me to make the argument that on their way up they were "courting paparazzi" to the same degree. That is, hoping and wishing and making sure that paparazzi camped out where they lived and made sure to insult your mother as you were walking to your car with your child just to film a negative reaction, as you feared for your personal safety. Sure, there seem to be some celebrities who are better at not attracting this type of attention than others, and maybe they should teach a class on it for the others. But I'm really sensitive to the idea that we never see the part right before the person complains or says "get outta here," which was probably not, "Hi Mr. Pitt, hope you had a nice day today, here let me make a nice path for you to your car."

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 5:17:00 PM  
Blogger shari said...

I definitely agree with you that overbearing and crude behavior by the paparazzi sucks. It shouldn't be condoned. I could easily have written a post on how tacky the paparazzi is, but they don't interest me as much. ;) HA!

Your point about those celebs that are in just as high demand but don't get bothered as much should teach a class-- I have a feeling that in many cases certain ones WANT the level of intense scrutiny they cause--just only on their terms. Those are the ones my post was about.
I definitely have seen footage of different celebrities coming out of or going to functions "courting" attention, smiling, speaking personally to them, and then later when they move to A-list status, acting annoyed and as though they were above it all.

There are many famous actors who are always smiling and friendly
before and after. Or just neutral.
Or they make sure to stay out of the limelight for the most part.
To me they made a choice to be in the public eye, so grin and bear it. (I'm not referring to inappropriate behavior by the paparazzi)

The perks outweigh the negatives.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 7:36:00 PM  

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