I was in the process of signing into Blogger, determined to write something to post, when I heard in the background an announcer on HBO for a boxing championship event. He said, "The blah blah blah of the blah blah and the status of blah blah..." The word 'status' caught my attention, because he pronounced it staytus.... which instantly sparked this topic:
I say stATus- he says STAYtus
Some say dATa .....I say dAYta
Potayyyto ---Potahhhto --Let's call the ...
Anyway, here are some more of those words and how I pronounce them.
I say stATus- he says STAYtus
Some say dATa .....I say dAYta
Potayyyto ---Potahhhto --Let's call the ...
Anyway, here are some more of those words and how I pronounce them.
I say Caramel like CARE amel -----Rickey says CAR amel
I say Envelope EN velope-----others say AHN velope
I say pa JAH mas, but if I nicknamed them I would say jammies
I usually say eeeeither -but occasionally I say Ither
I say neeeeither --and yes, also nIther
I can't think of anymore.... "let's call the whole thing off"
Oh yeah-
I can't think of anymore.... "let's call the whole thing off"
Oh yeah-
I say scared ---and also scurrrrd,
"Don't be scurred!" :)
Thanks to you now, I'm not "scurred" of committing a proNUNciation faux(FO) pas(PAW)!
We were friends in another life!
I say "Don't be scurred" and giggle my face off with my friends.
yeah, me too! :D
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