Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I haven't updated much lately and there is a major reason for it. I've been completely consumed with playing an addictive little game and I haven't been able to eat, sleep, wrap presents, or even Christmas shop.....and most importantly haven't been able to take the time to post on my blog. With great effort and extreme willpower, I have peeled myself away from this game just long enough to share it with you.

Be careful.... It eats brain cells.

Here is an example of someone who has played long enough to achieve exemplary results. The idea is to keep the little dude on the sled occupied by building him slopes to hit at the proper angle. He will die or fall into infinity unless you design properly. Must apply high school geometry.

Yes, this example is just one of many on YouTube...a real result of intense dedication.

Here is the link to the game:
Line Rider

I must go now.


Blogger E. Rivera said...

I have not clicked the link because I don't want to become addicted as well...we'll see how long that lasts. Look at it this need to eat to fuel up for more hours in front of the game. So, nourish yourself.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006 1:44:00 PM  
Blogger shari said...

Nahhh---I've really actually only played it a few times...but it is cool. My writing attempt at dramatic humor. :)
The first time I messed with it a few weeks ago I was hooked for a while that day...but I forgot about it and hadn't played it again until last night, and then I played with it again for a while. So you should check it out. It's cute.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006 2:50:00 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

That was cool, but if a guy was to do that, "Oh The Humanity". LOL

Wednesday, January 03, 2007 10:41:00 AM  

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