Thursday, November 16, 2006

Random Ramblings

Thanksgiving a week away???? November is positively flying by....which of course means Christmas will be here before I know it. As usual, even though I resolve every year to shop early in the year and have it over with, I still have all of the shopping to do. There's alot of stuff to get to complete Thanksgiving dinner, and only one Christmas present has been purchased so far.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, (food) I am still battling my weight. In a continuous war with myself. I am lazy. That's at the core of my problem. Laziness usually wins over good intentions. *insert battle scene, swords drawn*
I'm thinking of joining a yoga class.

I'm sure you've noticed if you stop by my bog, that I've started taking alot of pictures lately. I don't know what got into me. I've enjoyed it, though. I made the autumn bog, and then felt inspired to make a blog for each of the four seasons. I was thinking about winter yesterday, and thought, "Ugh...winter is kinda ugly." I'll be waiting for a snow or ice storm. I can take Christmas pictures, too. Oh wait, maybe I should start a Christmas maybe a "Holiday Blog" to cover all of them. Nahhh. :) Who knows.

Just got through reading The Devil Wears Prada. Much different than the movie, which I saw before I read the book. I liked them both.

Still writing my novella. What NaNoWriMo truly did for me was open up a door, made me realize I, too, can write a book, and the only thing stopping me from writing a book, is me. I now feel like I can write 100 books if I want...childrens books, teenage romances, self help books, fiction, and more.
I have the right to reach out for it. I don't think I ever really understood that.... That was always for other people. So, even though I quit pretty early in the game, I gained something that will benefit me for the rest of my life. And there's always next year..... ;)

.....feels unfinished... "c'mon Shari, one more paragraph."

Recently, we sold some items in our garage and we are going to donate the money to charity.
We're deciding exactly what to do with it. We kinda want to actually see the money help someone, not just write a check. We talked about Christmas shopping and then donating the gifts. We'll see. Maybe grocery shopping.

aight. that's all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. We are too quick to call ourselves lazy, which doesn't do anything but keep us stuck. Don't try to go from zero to 10, just to one, which will get you unstuck. Back in the spring when I was finally fed up as well, I started doing push-ups (girly ones) and sit-ups six mornings a week (like 10 mins. tops), and made no plan past that. But it got me from zero to one.

Holidays are here; freaking me out too.

Glad you're still writing!

Thursday, November 16, 2006 8:59:00 PM  

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