Wednesday, July 05, 2006


The person that I mentioned in a previous post that had chosen to exit my life without justified cause, has re-established communication, albeit at my initiative. There is now an awkwardness between us and a distance (mainly from me, I admit) that I hope it will diminish over time. They have expressed remorse and acknowledged selfish motives. It isn't about forgiveness, I don't think. It is the realization that the person's love for me doesn't run as deep as it should. I've given way more love to this person than has been given back to me in return and it is really hard to open my heart back up all the way. Plus, I can see his/her current mentality is completely self-absorbed and shallow, and it's hard to respect them at this point. Hopefully, things will eventually improve all around....

Recently, I wrote about finally resigning from a company I was employed with for almost 9 years. I can now say it was completely the right decision. I don't miss or regret it for one second. Not at all. It took a while to mentally let go of it. It was like having a newborn baby for so many years. Even when I was "off", it was always impending, I could never let go during my hours away from it, because there were always issues that I had to mentally prepare to deal with. Although the positive side of it was having the flexibility of working from home without a boss over my shoulder or punching a time clock, the negatives became too many to stay. The relief of that load being lifted is being felt more and more everyday. I've been helping Rickey with his/our business. I'm very grateful that it is doing well. At some point, I hope to be an entreprenuer of my own business that I will feel a passion for. Drywall contracting just doesn't do it for me. So, I'm trying to hone in.

The puppies are still as cute as cute can be. Puddin is a little jealous, but I have been amazed at her tolerance for them. I was worried she might hurt them, because she is an indoor/outdoor cat. She routinely hunts and kills innocent creatures and proudly brings them to our doorstep for presentation, before eating her kill. YUUUUUCK. I'll just say that I don't think I'll ever have to worry about a mouse crossing our doorstep as long as she is around. Or a bunny, bird, squirrel, lizard, etc. :( Anyway, we continue to make sure she sees us interacting with them as members of the FAMILY, and it seems to have made an impression. What is most amazing to me and totally beneficial, is that it has brought her snob factor down a couple of notches. She is typically very stingy with showing any affection or allowing affection to be shown to her, but she stares when we are petting them and will sometimes walk over to be petted, too. They are in awe of her and will run up to her and try to lick, play, etc., but she isn't too receptive. She usually runs away and it causes them to run and "chase" after her, which has led to her turning around and giving a little warning paw tap. I appreciate her independence more than ever, because we are going through potty training burdens with the puppies, that we never dealt with from her. Yes, cats are easier. Cleaner, quiet. I can't stand when you can smell that someone has pets in their home, but the puppies are well on their way to making my house a statistic. We are crate training them, which helps, although they pee in there. We are told eventually they won't. You take them outside, they pee, they poop, they come inside, they pee, they poop. Apparently, this is completely normal for little breeds. We got a black light thing from the Veterinarian to establish where the pee is. It glows purple. No, my house will NOT smell like dog. No. :)


Blogger Abigail Alexis~ said...


I am never supprised at the grace and elagance in the manner that you hadle akward situations that arrise. This is your gift. Keep using it. People come and go. Life goes on, and you will gain strangth and self assurance, as the days pass.

Think of you often.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006 9:31:00 PM  
Blogger E. Rivera said...

About the self-absorbed person, we can only state our true desires and wishes and not attach to a certain outcome. of course, this is easier said than done. Be true to yourself and let it go. I've become a better business networker since finally believing this.

about the cat, I heard from a cat "psychologist" that the best way to bridge the gap between a cat and new animals is to mention the name of the cat TO the other animal. For example, "Gizmo, where's your sister Puddin? Do you love Puddin?" You are then spreading the love everywhere all at once and the cat should get less jealous (can't hurt to try, eh?).

Thursday, July 06, 2006 11:29:00 AM  
Blogger E. Rivera said...

I wanted to clarify re: the cat that what you're doing is mentioning the cat while you're showing love to the other animals (not just talking to the animal).

Thursday, July 06, 2006 11:30:00 AM  
Blogger ............... said...

Shari, you are wonderful! :)

Thursday, July 06, 2006 11:34:00 AM  
Blogger shari said...

:) Ab, Eileen, and Denise, thank you for caring. :)

Thursday, July 06, 2006 10:39:00 PM  

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