We've been doing one of those "get rid of your junk" cleaning escapades. As I read once on Eileen's blog and implemented, we had 3 piles....one for trash, one for donate, and one for keep. I think she and her friend got it from Oprah. Thanks, Eileen. :) I'm glad I read that, because it made things go smoothly and I had more clarity with what I should do with everything. We still have so much to do.
We are painting some rooms in the house... well, as of right now- they are. :) I'm blogging. By the time we are finished, we will have re-painted over half of the house. I'm still trying to decide which color to paint the wall around the fireplace. Right now it's the color that was there when we moved in- a deep olive green color--Except for that one wall above and around the fireplace, the rest of the living room is an off white. I like the contrast of two colors in the room, but I am totally ready for a change. Suggestions? I typically like light, unobtrusive colors (I was surprised I liked the green), because I prefer that the decorations and furniture set the mood of the room, rather than an intense color on the wall. It's a fine line. What looks good in one person's home and style of house looks tacky in another. And of course, what I like, someone else may think looks horrible and vice versa. Everyone thinks they have good taste.....including me... :)
Last year Rickey convinced me to do our bedroom in an electric ice blue color. We did the crown/trim in a shimmery pearl color. I really like it alot. That pewter and mirrored dresser goes really well with it. Not for the living room, though.
For whatever reason- $$$, time, motivation, etc.----during my entire "adult" life- I have never completely decorated my home down to the finishing touches. This is now what we have set out to do, one step at a time. Rickey kept thinking of selling and I was like, "Not until we finish this and appreciate and enjoy it." You can laugh, but I have never had curtains as an adult, anywhere I've lived. Blinds, yes. Curtains, no. I wanted them, but money prevented, or I would feel overwhelmed with the styles and choices. As you may have noticed when I wrote about the sofa we bought, I usually feel apprehensive about any decorating I do. I hate regretting it....ending up with "buyers remorse" and being stuck with it. Anyway, curtain shopping is another event ahead. It is nice to finally have a home that I don't have to run it by the landlord to do this or that.
I have wanted to blog lately, but I haven't felt able to express myself for different reasons....
I still go to your blogs' consistently. They make my day, many days. :)
You're welcome for the tip, Shari. 'Course now my Donate pile lingers and lingers, because I don't have a car so have to take one bag at a time of books/clothes and it's just not getting done as fast as I'd like. Sigh.
: )
Curtains...ah, curtains...tip from the top: Buy more curtains than you "think" you need. You can always return what's left over. If you buy too few, you may not find the right ones (in the same dye lot) left in the store. It happens every day at my store. Someone comes back for "the other two", but they are already bought by another customer and we don't have any more.
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