Inspirational Quotes
I recently bought this book.
There are alot of wise and thought provoking
sayings in it. I thought I would put some on here.
Success is to be measured
not so much by the position
one has reached in life,
as by the obstacles
which one has overcome
while trying to succeed.
Booker Washington, 1856-1915 american teacher, writer and speaker
One person's definition of success
is another's first step.
Only you can rate your accomplishments,
and find peace within yourself
To put the world on order we must first
put the nation in order.
To put the nation in order we must first
put the family in order.
To put the family in order we must first
cultivate our personal life.
And to cultivate our personal life,
we must set our hearts right.
Confucius, c. 550-478 BC
I absolutely love things like that...especially the one by Confucius! If we can't set our own hearts right, how dare we try to change the world!
Here is an inspirational thought about sister that you may enjoy http://www.womensfunnyvideos.com/Sisters.htm
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