Sunday, March 26, 2006


I have the Sunday blues. Or maybe the Sunday dreads. It is due to the fact that I have to work tonight--only for a few hours, but still......
I'm grateful for the job-minimal hours, decent pay (very good $ for the hours I have to put in) and I get to do it from home, but after seven and a half years.....I'm burning out and frequently getting drained by even the easiest details to handle, not to mention the stressful details. I get Friday and Saturday off and then Sunday arrives and almost every week about this time I feel this feeling...something akin to PMS symptoms: Emotional. Irritable. Physically and mentally drained. Feeling of an impending burdenous weight on my shoulders. You could simply describe it as an overwhelming repulsion at the thought of facing it. I am sometimes tempted to just quit.

On the other hand.....

I feel like I need to be grateful for the things in my life (spiritually), and I DON'T want to lose this job due to shallow resentment and complaining, when I know things could be much worse. I don't want some life lesson here, where I end up losing this job and then see how good I had it and end up having to do something I'm having to put even more effort in for same or less money. The fact that I have to do this job at night also allows me to put in a lot of hours and effort into the business Rickey and I started last year. It is going extemely well, better and better the more we learn, but it is way too young for me to leave my job and focus my energy completely on that. More Pros: At this job, I don't have to put up with someone standing over my shoulder. I don't have to punch a time clock. When I start and finish is pretty flexible as long as I accomplish everything. I don't have to work forty hours a week at it and I don't want to ever have to at some other job where I'm working for someone else. I don't have to dress up everyday for work. I get to be home with my family, etc.

I need to quit bitching.

This is what I tell myself all the time. lol


Blogger Abigail Alexis~ said...

Hey Shari,

I know how stressful it can be working for yourself, but it has a lot of perks to. Keep smiling, close your eyes and think about a feild of daisys in the sun, it works for me.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 12:24:00 AM  
Blogger E. Rivera said...

maybe if you can think about what specifically you might dread about the job, you can change it w/o it having to be the "job that you hate but don't want to hate."

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 12:21:00 AM  

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