My main goal right now is to lose the weight.
This past year I have let myself down. I go to bed at night with so much resolve on how it will be starting tomorrow, the healthy food, excercise, etc.....and when tomorrow arrives and the day unfolds, my willpower eventually diminishes. I've done this before. I KNOW I can do it. I would really appreciate any inspirational tips. I read somewhere (and I completely agree) that: Nothing tastes as good as being thin looks.
If I keep that in mind and stay focused on it, along with being fit and healthy, I won't fail.
Question of the day:
What is a main goal you would like to achieve this year?
That strawberry looks so good!
lol! I would love to be more positive in the details of life. I tend to look at the down side to everything first. I want to see the glass half full this year. I also want to give more effort in my religion. I don't know enough...but does anyone, really?
I can't tell my ressalution because I don't want to jix it.
I have found, that it is better to not depprive yourself of your favorite unhealthy foods, and just eat them in smaller portions, and less often. Also, find snacks that you really enjoy, and that are healthy, and keep a lot of them around. I love lightly salted cuccombers. You can buy your chips baked instead of fried. After a while, you wont even want the old greasy ones. I know that baked ones are expensive, but they are well worth the money. Drink water, and lots of it. Eat your fruit, and drink your vegtables. Fruit juice is very fattening, and contains lots of natural sugar. No soda!!! Drink carbinated water instead. Soda is poisin to the body. Take the time to make meals you like. Eat smaller portions, but more often. A serving is the size of your palm. It wont look like much, so trow away your big dinner pates, and just use the little ones. Noone needs to be eatting reaserant size portions. Reasterants, are in the buisiness to make money, and cant charge as much as they would like, if they gave you the correct size portions. Don't use what they do as a guide. Make sure you exersize, even if it is as simple as going for a walk. Do something fun for exersize that you enjoy, and when you get through exersizing, dont treat yourself with a snack. Save your money, and buy yourself something special. Like a new shirt, for your new found figure. I like to post a note on my fridge. It says"Are you really hugry?" I eat when I am sad or stressed. Most of the time, I don't eat because I am hungry. Make sure you are eatting for the right reason. If your not really hungry, try to find another way to deal with you emmotions. I wish you all the success in the world!
Your Friend :) AB
Wow!!!!! Thank you, Abbey!
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