Wednesday, January 18, 2006


my results
Results of "The Test"
How realistic are you?Your score = 55

What does your score mean?
On the reality scale, you seem to lie somewhere between having your head in the clouds and keeping two feet firmly planted on the ground. You're able to face the writing on the wall in many situations, but in others you naively see things the way you prefer to see them. Perhaps experience has taught you that harvesting high hopes in certain areas of your life can lead to severe disappointment, so you've toned down your idealist tendencies. Being both a dreamer and a pragmatist is actually a positive thing - it's a healthy balance that allows you to shoot for the stars without becoming overly vulnerable. Allow yourself to dream big, just don't assume they will always come true.


Blogger Abigail Alexis~ said...

According to the test, your head seems to be in the clouds. You tend to believe what you want to believe, even when hard cold reality is staring you straight in the eyes. In fact, you're a dreamer that sees the world through rose-colored glasses. Perhaps, deep down, you know that your not always facing the harsh truth, but you would rather live that way - what's life without dreams, right? Or you might be a bit on the naïve side. Either way, it is certainly a great trait to be able to see the world in a positive light. One warning, however; you might be setting yourself up for disappointment and counting your chicks before they hatch. So keep on dreaming, but swallow a reality pill from time to time! ....He,he, score, well....25...LOL...I wouldn't say I am supprised thaugh.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:21:00 PM  
Blogger ............... said...

I got the same answer as you, Shari, except that my score was 60!

Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:41:00 PM  
Blogger Clare said...

My score was 75 and it said:

On the reality scale, you seem to lie somewhere between having your head in the clouds and keeping two feet firmly planted on the ground. You're able to face the writing on the wall in many situations, but in others you naively see things the way you prefer to see them. Perhaps experience has taught you that harvesting high hopes in certain areas of your life can lead to severe disappointment, so you've toned down your idealist tendencies. Being both a dreamer and a pragmatist is actually a positive thing - it's a healthy balance that allows you to shoot for the stars without becoming overly vulnerable. Allow yourself to dream big, just don't assume they will always come true.

Friday, January 20, 2006 6:13:00 PM  

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